Blog za sve medvjede, koji se tako osjećaju te za ljubitelje medvjeda. Te za sve one koje se žele zabavljati na taj način.
Blog for all the bears, who feel that way and for those who love bears. And for all those wishing to entertain in this way.
Blog für alle die Bären, die meinen, dass Art und Weise und für diejenigen, die Bären lieben.
Blog pour tous les ours, qui se sentent de cette façon et pour ceux qui aiment les ours.
15 prosinca 2007
Bear party u K4, Ljubljana
To je bio prvi bear party na kome sam bio, bilo je genijalno. Hvala domaćinu Kivi-u.
This was the first bear party where I was, it was ingenious. Thank the host kivi.
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